
From Discipline to Responsibility: Principles for Raising Children Today


Principles are effective because they can be modified to fit any parenting style, personality, economic status, ethnic background, cultural experience, or social position. This is a must-read book for all parents. It is an easy-to-understand book dedicated to the concept that all children can become responsible, productive, contributing members of society.


All children are unique individuals, To help them develop into self-disciplined citizens, we must acknowledge and cultivate their special characteristics. From Discipline to Resonsibulitty builds upon the premise that principles, not programs, are key in helping children reach their full potential academically, socially, emotionally, and spiritually.

Principles are effective because they can be modified to fit any parenting style, personality, economic status, ethnic background, cultural experience, or social position. This is a must-read book for all parents. It is an easy-to-understand book dedicated to the concept that all children can become responsible, productive, contributing members of society.