
I Send My Child To School, What More Do You Want?


I Send My Child to School! What More Do You Want? is a training manual to increase parental involvement.


Parental involvement training for teachers and educators can be done in a number of ways. One is to give teachers books on parental involvement to read and discuss in groups. I Send My Child to School! What More Do You Want? can help educators involve parents in their children’s education meaningfully. The book covers four areas: 1) Awareness, 2) Strategies, 3) Implementation, and 4) Assessment. Awareness, strategy, and implementation are essential to staying focused on parental involvement. Part 1, Awareness, explores personal assumptions, beliefs, barriers, benefits, responsibilities, and parental attributes, as well as the impact of parental involvement. Part 2, Strategies, includes specific techniques teachers can use to involve parents of various socio-economic backgrounds. Part 3, Implementation, summarizes key elements for involving parents successfully in their children’s education. Part 4, Assessment, reviews traditional and nontraditional forms of parental involvement.

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