
A Mind Shaped by Poverty: Ten Things Educators Should Know


The Scourge of Poverty and Why I Wrote This Book. Poverty profoundly affected what I came to believe about myself and what I accepted for my life and future. I will attempt to illustrate the role the scourge of poverty plays in the classroom.


My goal with A Mind Shaped by Poverty: Ten Things Educators Should Know is to paint a picture of poverty that readers can understand intellectually and connect with emotionally. After all, children who live in poverty are human and want the same things other children want—to be treated with respect and given equal opportunities, though they may ask for them differently. What they believe about themselves and their lives determines how they ask. I share some things I believed about myself and about my life after living in poverty, show how these beliefs could be true for others living in poverty situations, and suggest how they may play out in the classroom. Finally, I offer strategies for educators to help students overcome the effects of a poverty mindset.

This is a downloadable book. You can purchase from The Village Shop.